Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Years in Logan!

We went to Logan for New Years. My sister and her family were here from Spokane with their two boys. Scott and I had a lot of fun. When we left we both said we wished we had more time. The funnest parts were staying up late playing games, (we even got my mom to play one game called Buzz word and I know she had a good time) and taking the kids four wheeling and sledding.

The kids were way fun to watch go down the hill and it was hilarious to watch Jake and Dax try to run in their snow gear. Oh and we can't forget the stories that Grandpa told. If I could speak for Dax he would say " that's a nice story grandpa."

One night all the kids slept under the Christmas tree with Grandma and Grandpa. Dax really enjoyed doing that. He thought it was so cool to sleep on the floor with a sleeping bag.
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1 comment:

Tim and Melissa said...

I loved that about staying with family too - staying up playing games. We love buzzword!