Friday, April 24, 2009


Our Easter started off by going over to our wards Easter egg hunt. Each kid got to make a sack for their eggs they found. Scott did and excellent job at helping Dax with his. I love the bunny. Next we went to Scott's parents house and cut out and decorated sugar cookies. Each kid got their very own. It was such a nice day that all of us went outside to play. What a perfect Easter weekend.

Sunday Dax found his Easter basket and loved the football eggs more than anything. Next we were spoiled with dad being able to be with us the whole morning. We ate crepes and dyed some Easter eggs. Next we were off to the Easter egg hunt in Dax's bedroom. Dax thought this was way fun. He loved it and totally got it. He'd gesture with hands where's more? After church we all met back at Scott's parents house and took Easter pictures. For the most part the kids were awesome and as you can tell Dax really loves his cousin Addison.
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