Wednesday, January 21, 2009


My friend Holly came to Wellsville to stay with her parents for a little while from Alaska. North Pole to be exact. I thinks it's cool that that's her address. Dax and I went down to eat lunch with her and her girls. Abby 4, Avery 3. Scott stayed home. He had a basketball game Friday night and then he wanted to go hunting on Saturday and not feel guilty about not being home with us. Holly's husband wasn't there either had had already gone back to Alaska.

We went to Firehouse and each got a ice cream cookie. They are to die for. We both agree that when you move away, they just don't have the restaurants that home had to offer. So anytime we come home we have to eat somewhere that Alaska, or Blackfoot doesn't offer. I think our favorite spots to catch up have been Sizzler, we both waitressed there, Formosa a Chinese place, and Firehouse.

We tried to get a picture of the kids but they didn't feel like cooperating. They still turned out cute though.

Thanks Holly for taking some time and spending it with Dax and I it was great to visit and catch up. Your girls were adorable and so big I can't believe it. I love Avery's expression in this picture. I'm so glad that we're able to do this every once in awhile. I miss ya and I'm glad that everything is going well for you.
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Gunnell Fam said...

That's a great picture of you & Holly! It's fun to see what old friends are up to. :)

Reena Bostock said...

Hi Athena I saw your blog on the Davis family blog (Erin). This is Reena (Lucero) Bostock. I just wanted to say that you have the most adorable little one. He sleeps so cute. Take Care!

AMY said...

i can't believe how big holly's kids are! that first picture of you two is great!

Holly said...

Hey! It was so great seeing you! I am glad you were able to come down for awhile! I wish we were a little closer..... maybe someday. Dax is so darn cute!!!

The Jensen Family said...

Hi Athena! I found your blog from Cammie and Dustin's. It's been awhile. Scott says he sees you every once in awhile. Your little boy is SO cute! I love the name Dax.